Which Type of Pedicure Is the Best Choice for Your Needs?

When it comes to pedicures, there are many choices available to meet the needs of different individuals and different situations. From paraffin pedicures to gel pedicures, each unique type of pedicure offers a unique set of benefits that can help improve the health and appearance of your feed. So, which type of pedicure is best for your needs?

Basic Pedicure

Let’s start with the basics: a basic pedicure. This type of pedicure typically includes a nail soak, filing and trimming of the nails, cuticle maintenance, a light massage, and polish application.

Basic pedicures as a great choice for those who have never had a pedicure before or for those who don’t have the time or money for more involved treatments. One of the cheapest options, basic pedicures, is $32. They can also be a great choice for those with sensitive skin, as the treatments are less involved and are less likely to cause any irritation.

Spa Pedicure

The next step up from the basic pedicure is a spa pedicure. This type of pedicure includes all of the services of a basic pedicure as well as additional treatments such as a foot scrub or mask. These treatments help to exfoliate and soften while locking in moisture.

Spa pedicures also differ from basic pedicures in that they take place in a more spa-like environment. Typically, you’ll get to enjoy a massage chair that will help you relax during the treatment. Spa pedicures are great for those looking for a more indulgent experience without breaking the bank. A spa pedicure can range from $42 to $65, depending on additional treatments.

Paraffin Pedicure

If you have dry, cracked feet that can greatly benefit from a softening and soothing treatment, paraffin pedicures are an ideal choice. Paraffin wax, which covers the feet during the treatment, helps to reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and relax muscles while deeply moisturizing and nourishing your feet.

Paraffin pedicures are most beneficial for those seeking extra hydration in the colder months, those seeking moisture retention during summer, athletes with tired feet, or people who often get calluses. If you’re in need of a moisturizing paraffin pedicure, you can expect to pay $45 to $65.

Gel Pedicure

If you want to maximize your time between pedicures and ensure that your polish will be long-lasting, a gel pedicure is the ideal choice. Gel pedicures include the same treatment as other pedicures — cuticle maintenance, filing and trimming, and a lotion massage — but traditional nail polish is swapped for an ultra-durable gel polish.

After the gel polish is applied to the nails, as usual, it’s hardened under a UV light, creating a chip-resistant finish that will last for weeks. Thanks to the polish’s durability, gel pedicures are ideal for people who are on their feet all day, those who are active, or those who are seeking a particularly long-lasting pedicure. Gel pedicures cost anywhere from $45 to $55.

Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy way to maintain your feet or a luxurious indulgence you can lose yourself to, Newport Nails has several customizable pedicure options that will suit anyone’s needs. Contact us online or visit us at The Landing or one of our other convenient locations today, and let us know how we can service your pedicure needs.